Expansion School: 

realistic (but revolutionary) growth for intuitive business owners  



For the intuitive business owners who are ready for sales, money, and social media to feel natural even without a huge audience.

What's inside? 👇

The EEFT Library

A constantly growing, mobile-friendly collection of EFT tapping videos enhanced with bilateral brain stimulation techniques to help you reprogram your subconscious 

My online training vault

Including "How to Assess + Update your Offers", "the 2-Hour Cash Injection Workshop", "Magnetic Content + Sales 101", "How to Work Less Hours", "Get More Done + Be Less Stressed", and "How to Read What your Business Needs."  You'll learn to use these trainings to address exactly what comes up as your business expands to 6 figures and beyond. ​

A Private Community

Where you can network with other like-minded entrepreneurs who will cheer each other on, develop our mindsets, and strengthen our nervous systems together to generate higher cash months without overwhelm.

A seasonal guided journal delivered to your door

Written by Andrea as she prepares for the next season's focus - this is 50% entrepreneurial planner of your dreams, and 50% guided journal to support you in breaking cycles, healing generational wounds and co-creating a stable, abundant business. 

Unlockable content

As you move through the content, you'll be able to access BONUS content, captions, and subconscious work that's tailored for people just like you who are READY TO GO.

You'll love it here, if...

  • You're an intuition- and heart-led business owner building a business or a brand and it's important that it fulfils you, interests you, and feels meant for you 🔮 
  • Even though you've burnt out badly before (and you're scared it'll happen again), you love your business + want it to feel sustainable 💪
  • Being seen still feels really hard sometimes, but you can't stop thinking about serving more people 🗣️ 
  • Sales and money still feel stressful for you, but you're ready for steadier streams of income 💸 
  • You're the only one in your circle who runs an online business, and you're ready for friends who freaking GET IT 👯 
  • You're ready to actually learn to process + let go of old wounds and patterns so that your business (maybe your whole life) can start to feel light again ✨

A quick hi from Andrea :

We're currently in a completely new creative economy.  

Now more than ever, people like you and me can simply pick up our phones and channel our creativity into a business or brand that really helps people - all over the world.

But first, hey - I'm Andrea (not Andraya or Ondrea).  I'm a trauma-informed, nervous-system literate, chronically ill baddie   I started my first business at 18 with a grant from the government, then started a branding + web design business after I completed design school.

Then, they found a tumour in my brain - it came out easily enough, but and there I was, with a business that took 60 hours a week but still couldn't pay my rent.  I felt like a huge failure.

Accepting this feeling of failure was the moment I released it.  It was my "I'm so freaking done" moment -  and my intuition started nudging me back onto my instagram again (after a year away).

And what happened with these posts?  After almost two years of sweating over posts that flopped, it was these raw and authentic posts that started drawing people back in.

That wasn't the only rebirth I've gone through, but it was definitely the biggest.  💥

In the same way that I would get quiet with myself to create content that made a difference, I started getting very quiet with myself to manifest my career path, and creating aligned income streams.  I'm not, and have never been, interested in running a business that bores me, or stops me from exploring something I'm more passionate about.

All of a sudden, clients started finding me.  These amazing creatives, who are trying to build something unique and special, but are struggling to find someone who can help them connect to a trajectory that's authentic and sustainable for them.

That's why I created Expansion School!  This membership is here to help you keep your spirits high and keep your motivation going as you create the intuition-led, financially abundant business + brand that you dream of.

Did I mention you get the  planner/journal of your dreams?

As a part of your fall Expansion School membership, you'll receive an 8x10 paperback journal/planer hybrid of your dreams.  12 weeks of prompts, decisions, reminders + affirmations so that you can start your mornings feeling confident and at ease expanding your business and brand

Click here to enrol monthly

  Click here to enrol for the season (biggest savings!)

🚀 Expansion school will show you...

Improve your capacity

In Expansion School, we keep our physical energy top priority.  Andrea's a chronically ill baddie with ADHD and a brain tumour survivor, so in Expansion School we know our most important business-building activities look like regulating our nervous system,
processing emotions, staying inspired + taking good care of yourself.

Content that manifests

We hear a lot that where attention flows, energy goes - but when you go to write content, is that what happens?  When your content starts carrying your energy + manifesting with you - that’s when timelines start really speeding up.

Intuitive Productivity

When I first started connecting to my intuition - there was a huge gap between the steps my intuition was telling me to take and the steps that I had the capacity to take.  Until I figured out how to get clarity, I really struggled to move forward + accomplish things on my aligned path.

Cut back your hours

Without realizing it, a lot of us cut our work hours back but turn our anxiety wayyyy up - we might be having less time at our desk, but the constant rumination is a big energy leak. Running your business doesn’t have to take a ton of time, but you have to figure out your unique system.

It really is back-to-school season.

Scroll down to see exactly what you're in for once you sign up.

✅ 3x$77?  Not too shabby

  ✅ I'll pay for the whole season + save $111!

Step 1: sign up!

Within 24 hours of your signup, you'll receive an email with your link to book a bonus coaching call with me AND the info to log into the new community chat

Step 2: say hi!

While we wait for the drop date, make sure to head into the community chat and introduce yourselves!  I'll be sharing bonus content there.

Step 3: Sept 1

Today is huge!  The masterclasses, PDFs, and the EEFT library goes live on the platform, AND your guided journals are shipped to your house!

Step 4: Sept 15

The week of September 15 marks the official start of our 12 weeks together - keep an eye on your journal and the community chat for our call times!  We'll vote on them together. 

Each season has a new theme that makes the most of our natural cycles + connects us to nature 🌿


Sacral Summer:

Summer 2024

Our very first season of Expansion School was here to help our members loosen their grip on their impostor syndrome and anxiety by finding their joy again.


Practical Magic:

Fall 2024

This fall season is here to help you focus on the practical, like your finances, systems and income streams, through manifestation, working with herbs, and embracing ritual over routine.



Winter 2025

The winter season's theme is a surprise - it'll be announced in November + that's when enrolment begins.  But here's a hint:  It's perfect for anyone who wants to shake off their old selves.

Are we doing this?

Are you ready to finally give yourself what you *really* need instead of what you think you should need?  Because in Expansion School, it's kind of our thing.  I can't wait to see you strike the right balance between mindset, healing work, messaging, and passion so that you can embody your next level of confidence + grow a badass brand and business.

Click here to pay monthly

  $222 for the whole season? I'm sold